
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Did this ever happen to any of you? I have been diagnosed with shingles. I am 34 and otherwise totally healthy

I have been to the doctor at the health center of the college where I work and to my PCP. They both think it is shingles, but I have no pain at all and it is simply a little line of itchy bumps on my neck. I have really swollen glands and a sore throat. I am coughing so much that I cannot sleep at night. Does this sound like shingle to anyone else? I feel like I might have strep or bronchitis, but not really shingles. I am already planning to call the doctor again; they looked at it for a long time and called in other doctors in the office for second and third opinions. They didn't seem really convinced and told me to call if I had any changes or questions. Anybody ever have these symptoms?I am either very lucky to have such a mild case or shingles, or misdiagnosed. My I have two kids under three and don't want to infect them with whatever this is.
Well if the doc isn't sure I doubt you'll get better input here.
Have you had Chickenpox? If No... this isn't shingles.Shingles is a residual of Chickenpox.
Ithink if your kids are vaccinated they will be immune from that because they are immune from Chickenpox. The cough is concerning, I never heard shingles causing cough.. but I think it manifests differently for everyone. It can inflame nasal and throat tissue so that would be the cough. If it afflicts around your eyes... get immediate treatment.Try webMD dot com.Until the cough passes I think you're right to be concerned abour passing (whatever) to your kids.
It's no shame to be single at age 34. Join a book of the month club.
My Uncle-in-law he has had shingles a few times and as far as I know he was in serious pain but everyone is different. I would call your doctor back and go back in for a check up. If you still feel you aren't getting the answer you are looking for go to another doctor, maybe even in another city, also look into seeing a skin doctor. Best of Luck and I hope you feel better.
Sounds like Shingles to me. Yep... Shingles and you are lucky. My cousin had it all over his forehead and around his chin. Not to mention his feet and calves and hands.
Pops up in really weird places.
Don't worry about your kids though, just be careful around them and you'll be right.
I think the bumps on you neck could be from the sore throat and or swollen glands.Shingles does have many forms here is a sight that should explain it a little better for you
My best friend has shingles also. It doesn't bother her very often and rarely hurts. If more than one dr told you this then I would like to think they are right. This is only an issue for your kids if they touch the spot, they will get chicken poxGood Luck
Been there, done that, and got the T-shirt. I also had a very mild case. One tell tale sign is that the bumps are all on one side of the body. If it is shingles and you caught it early it goes away in a short time. Do not put off treatment because it can spread. The down side is the treatment is a bit expensive so I hope you have a drug plan. Left untreated it can (and will) be a long and painful experience. Best of luck to you.
I think it sounds more like strep if you have a sore throat and cough (if you have cold symptoms you may have something else) strep is generally a sore throat, headache, fever, cough
and you can get a rash!
Now, shingles is painful - and a rash and malaise feeling.
I'd get a strep test and just return because you aren't well.In the mean time rest, water, fluids, and sleep with your head elevated and take some motrin.

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