
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Do i have pink eyes?

my eyes are red but not itching but i do have a clear and jelly like item in both of my eyes. near the duck where the tears come out.
I cannot exactly picture that, but I've had pink eye and what happens is that the blood vessels your eyes get really red and your eye whites have a pinkish look from a distance. Whatever you do, do not touch them, and wash your hands often b/c it is highly contagious. here's what it looks like:
when i had it my eye did not itch eaither or you could be allergic to something.
or maybe an allergic reaction to something??if it is pink eye - the other answerer was correct, it is highly contagious. if you rubbed/wiped your eye %26 didn't wash your hands, then rubbed your other eye - that is how you got it in bothfill up a sink/bowl w/warm salt water %26 splash it on your face - you shouldn't purposely open your eyes, just keep them relaxed, do this a few times a day
if it is pink eye - it will go away by tomorrow
its called "Conjunctivitis" - inflammation of the eye or something blah blah blah (not sure)...but what i know is that if you're not careful, you'll get a terrible vision problem and that's not half of it - this is a highly infectious disease and others around you can **easily ** get this from you just by touching whatever you touched and then touching their eyes.i'm not 100% sure if thats the thing you've got, so i think it'd be better if you see a doc first b4 jumping into any conclusions..!!

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