
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Do I have dibetes?

HI, for the past few months i have been having the following symptoms:
*Frequent urination (ecspeccially at night)
*Really thirsty
*Really hungry even 5 minutes after eating dinner
*Ocassional vomiting
*Muscle Spasms
*Limbs feeling coldMy grandfathr has type 1, and i am 13 years old overweight by 35 pounds. I know the only way to knows go to go to my doctor. But i was just wondering what people thought.
Well, you've got a lot of the symptoms. It would be best to go to doctors/ hospital asap. You say you're over weight, you may be type two diabetic. You have nothing to gain by waiting.You mention your grandfather is diabetic..Use his glucometer (it tests his blood sugar). Ask him. He will let you. Your blood sugar reading should be between 4-8. It doesn't matter if its below your case. But if its above 8- you are most probably diabetic.You definetly have a lot of the symptoms. Frequent urination: your body is trying to remove excess sugar from your blood through your urine
Really thirst: well you need to replace the water you've lost through urination
Occassional vomiting: blood may be acidicIn my case I had other symptoms of: lost a lot of weight (your body cannot convery sugar into energy, so it breaks down fat reserves...organs..etc)...was really weak...tired all the time. I actually got bored from waiting for myself to finish urinating.I hope your ok. But you need to find out as soon as possible. its in the interest of your health. If you are diabetic, high blood sugar levels can lead to nerve damage. Dont ignore this. See a doctor...or at least use your grandads glucometer to check your blood sugar.Being diabetic isn't the end of the world. Ive had it for 3 years. I do everything other non-diabetics do. Also- the extra knowledge helped me ace biology in year 12. GOOD LUCK
Yup, some of them are diabetes symptoms, but I dun think migraine is one of them. Maybe it's a sign of other sickness.
Better get a check up.
These are the symptoms of diabetes (except for vomiting and muscle spasms. Tell your parents to make you an appointment with your doctor. Also tell the school nurse so that he / she will know what's going on. Here's a link to information for you to read. Take good care of yourself.
Like you said the only way to know for sure is to go to a doctor. However, some of the things you mentioned are symptoms of Diabetes. But take heart at your age if you lose the weight you can probably reverse it. I just read an article the other day that spoke about a study that was done on overweight 15 year old boys who did weight lifting twice a week. They improved their bodies insulin sensitivity by 45%. That is a freakin lot of improvement! Get in the gym my friend. Even if you don't have Diabetes more exercise would be good for you. Wishing you the best
Go to the doctor, what does it matter what we think? We aint gonna change nothing.
for sure get to your doctor. all your symptoms are symptoms of dibetes... good luck with everything!!! i hope i helped you out!! good smart question!! its better to be safe than sorry!!
You definitely have some signs, so it's probably best you go see a doctor to make sure. Even if it turns out you have type 2 diabetes, you can bring it under control with diet, medication, and exercise. Good luck!
you have a lot of symptoms of diabetes and it is possible. you could get a prelim check by checking your fasting blood sugar, meaning don't eat or drink anything with any type of sugar or nutrition for at least 8 hours. then check your blood sugar. you could use your grandfather's machine if he has lancets that are single use only, or go to a free health screening. either way these symptoms need to be followed by a md.
From what you are saying, it's a possibility, but you do need to go to the doctor, worrying about it isn't good, I realize your young and it's scary, but the sooner you find out the better. Speak to your grandfather for moral support or another family member. I hope everything turns out okay. Take care of yourself.

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