
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Did I pass this drug test?

Well. I just had to take a swab test today for a job. I smoked a little more than 4 days ago but before that I hadnt picked up the pipe for almost two months. I also sucked the hell out of the swab during the entire test, but I have barely drank any water with the 4 days. Thanks guys.
Marijuana is metabolized by exercising alot to bring it out hrough sweat, based on the consistancy of the usage and how often it is in your body, just by smoking it one it can take up to 30 to get out of your system, but if you pass the drug test, congatulations!
If you smoked cocaine you should be okay ,if it was pot you should worry...
Well im gonna assume when you said picked up a pipe you mean marijuana. If thats the case then you probably did not pass, sorry. If it was crack then you prolly will pass! How unfair is that :(
Well dear it stays in your system for 30 days I dont care what you drink etc it still comes out negative.I have never heard of a swab here in va. its always urine or blood.They pick up all the drinks and pills you try to take to clean your system they are hip to the game out here.Good luck.

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