hi there my 4 year old has type 1 diabetes and she has got very bad diarea she has been to the hospital and they have said as long as she is not being sick she should be fine but she has not eaten for 3 days now and she is on insulin her blood suar is low all the time what should i do
You need to get some sugar into that little body!! I know exactly what that is like I am a 12 year old girl and I got diabetes at the age 4 and I was about to turn 5, I was not eating and didn't understand just be a good parent and make her eat. Even if she refuses, make a dish she can't resists.
Why are they not feeding her, and how low is it? You should know the normal and RN and docs should be explaing to you their treatment and plan of care
If she is in the hospital mention it to her Dr, also while she is in there they will try and regulate her sugars. It will take a while, and she will always be on insulin. suggest you learn as much as you can, enjoy your daughter and have fun
You need to get her to an endocrinologist at once!! Her sugars need to be stabilized and she needs tests.She might even be able to wear an insulin pump soon.Get her to an endocrinologist .Blessings.
Why the hospital? Take her to her regular pediatrician - they'll make time if she's sick.You should also know what to do already (your doctor should have educated you). Do you check her blood sugar and regulate the insulin? (Or is she on a pump?)Three web sources - READ THEM, please:
www.joslin.org - Joslin Diabetes Clinic
www.diabetes.org - American Diabetes Assn.
www.webmd.com - WebMD (free medical information)
This really does not sound right. Have you spoken to your pediatric endocrinologist? With no nutrition, diabetics can become ketotic, which makes them feel even worse and become very serious. If she were my child, I would be expecting her to have IV support. At the very least, I would be giving spoonfuls of gatorade or pedialyte.
When a diabetic is sick, with diarrhea and?or vomiting the insulin levels should be reduced. So the low blood sugars don't happen. A clear liquid diet is a very good idea for these cases also. Hopefully some one can help you with these dosage changes, but it is very important that she not be taking as much insulin if she isn't eating. I hope that she is all better now though! Good luck to you and her. Also, a diabetic educator would be an awesome source of information to have. They can help you with adjusting dosages and stuff like that and my diabetic educator is there 24 hrs a day no matter what time of day.
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