Lets say you have a family history of diabetes then how likely is that you get it, my freind has diabetes and his mum and dad both have diabetes. Anyway of your parents do have diabetes does that mean you should cut down on the sweets or is it not inherited
Inhertance gives you a much higher chance of developing diabetes, but is not a dead certainty that you will develop it.With a history of diabetes in the family, a person's GP should keep an eye on things and the person themself would do well to cut down on sugar and eat a healthy, balanced diet.In all honesty, we all should eat a healthy and balanced diet that's low in sugars (particularly refined sugar).For the record, 'diabetic foods' are rubbish - most are full of sweetners that are just as bad for diabetics as sugar is anyway. Everything in moderation is much better.
it is inherited. if it is your family you need to be tested routinely. Make sure you MD kn ows of family history
just thought i would give you a taste of your own medicine
its a pain when people do this
isn't it!!!!!!!!!!...!!!!!!!!!!!
Get checked over by your Dr..There are so many other things which can go wrong...eyesight,loss of limbs etc..
yes you should cut down on the sweets. i think it can be inherited. my grandmother had diabetes and my father has diabetes.
I am not sure of the figures other than it does run in families. The main thing is to concentrate on how much sugar you have in your diet, and most important, your weight, particulalry if you tend to put weight on all round your middle. According to Diabetes uk, You are at risk if ' You鈥檙e overweight or if your waist is 31.5 inches or over for women; 35 inches or over for Asian men and 37 inches or over for white and black men.' so your ethnic background is another risk factor.Sugary treats eaten between meals are the worst things, because diabetes is all about the regulation of how much sugar you have circulating in your blood between meals. Alcohol is another bad thing for somone at risk - a lot of alcoholics go on to develop Type 2 diabetes, which is the sort you develop as you get older, rather than the type you are born with. Binge drinking also counts, that is drinking more than 5 drinks in one session, or more than half the recommended consumption levels for one week in a single session.
It is hereditary. If both parents have it then you will likely get it one day. If you eat right, exercise, and keep your weight down you may never see symptoms.
Several lines of recent scientific evidence have shown that individuals who followed a low GI diet (most fruit and vegetables (but not potato), oats, buckwheat, whole barley, All-bran) over many years were at a significantly lower risk for developing both type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease than others.
Yes, it is genetic. You have an increased risk if both parents have diabetes. Sweets and sugar do NOT cause diabetes - that is a very old myth. The American Diabetes Association has a quick and easy risk test your friend can take to see what his level of risk is right now:http://diabetes.org/risk-test.jsp...
It is an inherited disease. However I developed diabetes, and no one else in my family had it. Lose weight through a good exercise regimen. Lay off the sweets. Get a blood test from a reliable doctor. It's not pleasant to take insulin shots two times a day, or take the pills. But this is a devastating disease that can lose you your legs or your eyesight, and the development of eye troubles, even blindness, I wish you well.
Family history is a major non -controllable factor. Check out the other factors at the website below.
I got diabetes from eating meat! It triggered it. Im a veggitarian now. Maybe if your scared, you could become a veggitarian! You live longer!
Diabetes is a very serious illness that DOES run in families. You need to be checked reguraly for it. Diabetes is a disorder of the pancreas. The pancreas is a organ that produces insulin to control the sugar level in the blood. If the pancreas is malfunction the blood sugar can be too low or too high. For example if it is underactive it does not produce enough insulin and blood sugar rises and if it is overactive too much insulin is produced and the blood sugar can't get up to the normal level. You need to eat a healthy diet. You only cut out sugar if the blood sugar goes too high. If it goes too low you need sugar to bring it up. If you are in any doubt your family doctor will be able to tell you more.
Yes it is inherited. Not always but with the mom and dad both having it, it makes it that more likely that the child or kid will get it also. There is really nothing you can do to prevent it if it's type 1 which is during childhood years. But it doesn't hurt to be on the straight and narrow to help out. Good luck to ALL!!
In a lot of families, diabetes can miss a generation. My gran had diabetes, but neither of my parents have it.My doctor told me that the cause of type 1 diabetes is unknown as of yet, so i think its unlikely that eating sweets will cause it. However type 2 diabetes is said to be caused by an unhealthy diet, so if you have this in your family, make some healthier choices. x
There are diff kinds of diabetes. Type 1 is the kind that is usually diagnosed during childhood - it has nothing to do with lifestyle or eating too much sweets, current thoughts are that you can be genetically pre-disposed to it but that it is an auto-immune disease, possibly triggered by a virus. Type 2 diabetes is the kind that it usually diagnosed when people are older - it's when people's insulin doesn't work as well anymore so they might need medication to improve this. For a lot of people it is linked to being over weight or poor diet or lifestyle at some time during their lives. However, just because you've got someone in your family with type 2 diabetes doesn't mean you'll get it, and not having a relative with type 2 diabetes doesn't mean that you won't!! The best thing to do is to look after yourself and eat healthily anyway, and be grateful if you don't get it! xx
It is interited, cutting down on sweets is a good idea, as well as eating healthy in general.
theres a bigger percentage you can acquire diabetes from your parents,and its also possible for obese peolple.just be careful what you eat,find time to excercise,and relax
I'd have to say yes I am 1 of 6 kids, 4 of which have diabetes, my mum had it and I have 2 nieces that have it, it would be an idea if you keep an eye on your sugar intake and take note of the slightest sign you could have it, the sooner it's diagnosed the easier it is to treat.
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