
Saturday, October 31, 2009

DO guys have 1 less ribs than girls??

Like How God created Eve from Adam, by taking a rib from him. So i was wondering if all guys have 1 less rib than all girls.
No. Surprisingly, a lot of people think this. I used to. That only happened to Adam. The rest of the male gender did not inherit that trait. If you look at x-ray images, they show the same number of ribs in males and females. Actually, there is one rib that will grow back if taken out. Now wasn't God smart?
No,male and female has same Numbers of ribs.
Yah I think they do have 1 less rib than us.
Nope, just one of many inconsistencies in the argument for religion. Funny how fundamentalists advocate literalism in reading the Bible except those parts that are utterly ridiculous (as opposed to the just mostly ridiculous parts).
Men and Women both have 12 pairs of ribs. In addition, removed ribs usually regenerate within 2 - 3 months of sectional surgery, as in the surgical procedure rib thoracoplasty.
Men and women NORMALLY both have 12 sets of ribs. Rarely, both men and women have an extra set of ribs, called cervical ribs.
"Human beings, both male and female, have 24 ribs (12 sets). This was noted by the Flemish anatomist Vesalius in 1543 (De Humani Corporis Fabrica [1]) setting off a wave of controversy, since it was assumed based on the story of Adam and Eve, that men's ribs would number one fewer than women's."

Do fibromyalgia have anything to do with the medical term ms?

No they are different disorders. Fibromyalgia has been classified as a rheumatic disorder but is actually a problem of the central nervous system. I found the following article very informative in explaining exactly what is happening with people diagnosed with fibromyalgia: actually is a blood test for fibromyalgia which is in FDA testing . Read about it here: are patients who have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia that end up having been misdiagnosed and later advance to MS.
NO. MS is another type of neuological disorder. Fibromyalgia is similar and hs similar symptems. Thats all I know I have MS not Fibromyalgia.. Good Luck!
Fibromyalgia is associated with arthritis, while MS is associated with Multiple Sclerosis, two completely different diseases.
MS is a degenerative disease. Fibromyalgia is best described as a chronic pain condition. They are in separate classes of illness. Both do involve the musculoskeletal system however.
No. Fibromyalgia is thought to be a neurological disorder and despite a previous answer, has nothing to do with arthritis. Arthritis is a degenerative disorder, while fibro is not. There are many studies being done because it's also thought to be a sleep disorder. You can search the internet for relevant articles by H. Moldofsky, M. Scharf, N. Feldman, A. Holman, T. Swick, P. Wood to name a few.

Do doctors use endotracheal tubes to treat a punctured lung?

A punctured lung is referred to as a pneumothorax or pneumomediastinum. Doctors place Chest tubes in between the ribs at the place where there is a tear. This relieves the tension that the excess air in this area of the lung is creating causing the patient not to be able to breathe in adequately. If the tear is significant enough or there is more than one area they may "intubate" the patient using an endotracheal tube to provide an artificial airway. Long story short and less complicated, no doctors don't use endotracheal tubes to treat a punctured lung if the puncture isn't significant enough but if it is yes they do use endotracheal tubes to help the patient breathe while they treat the tear with a Chest tube.
Insertion of a endotracheal tube attached to vent or ambubag is use to treat punctured lungs because inthis situation air is coming out of the lungs and may collapsed.


yes. with heat the condom becomes very weak in structure and will not be able to stretch to an appropriate length. you need to store condoms away from direct sunlight and in a cool area.
yes heat and age both can affect it
The condom is safer in your wallet than it is in your car's glove box where temperatures get really high. Deterioration depends on time and temperature. The 37 degree C of your body will not cause rapid decrease in effectiveness. This assumes that you replace it occasionally, for whatever reason.

Do Cold Sores run anyone else's life-or am I just crazy?

I have gotten cold sores now for about 12 years and everytime I get an outbreak, it takes 2 weeks out of my life. I don't like going out in public because of low self confindence, I'm extremely paranoid about infecting other parts of my body. I have a toddler now and am EXTREMELY worried about infecting him. Obviously I would never kiss him with one, but I'm scared to hold him for fear he will touch it, I won't sleep with him, I won't even touch him without washing my hands. Everyone tells me I can't worry about things like that, but if I ever gave him the virus I don't think I could forgive myself. I don't really worry about him getting a cold sore, I worry about him touching the cold sore, cause he doesn't know any better and then infecting other parts of his body and have cold sores all over him - I know I'm a bit crazy, I do have OCD, but I was wondering if anyone else suffers through things like this. I read up on cold sores, and everything always seems to downplay them.
Dear Bluevaughan,This is something that is out of your control. You are not responsible for acquiring this infection. It can happen to anyone. Statistics show that 1in every 3 persons are infected with the virus. The outbreaks can also be triggered by stress. Getting this virus was not a choice for you and unfortunately you cannot choose rather or not you pass it on to anyone. It is highly contagious; it can be spread by just shaking hands or touching a door-knob. The only way to eliminate this virus is to put those who are infected into isolation: 70% of America alone. Take reasonable precaution but, don't stop living, stop worrying again, the outbreaks are also triggered by stress. If you take my advice in time you will have much less outbreaks. Furthermore everyone has probably been exposed to this virus in one way or another; our immunity however, dictates rather or not one developes the disease.Take Care!
i get them all the time too! they drive me up the wall! yes, it ruins my life too!
your just crazy.How old are you?
Something I would try to help heal them, and possibly prevent them is S.T. 37. It is an oral antiseptic that helps with cold sores as well as other things, like burns and cuts. It works really well. When I've gotten them before, I used some of that and it was gone in 2 days. That stuff is a miracle!! Its typically found behind the pharmacy counter if they carry it. You will most likely have to ask them to order it for you. It's not a prescription drug...but not something they typically have in stock. It runs anywhere between $9.00-$13.00 for a 16oz. bottle. FYI: It works really good for sunburns too...
I have suffered for years and I now have a perscription for acyclavir that I take as soon as soon as I get an outbreak and it is gone in two days.

Do babies develop chickenpox immunity if they got the disease at less than 1 year of age?

My friend's daughter might be infected with chickenpox, since her older brother had it and he was staying pretty close 2 her. Its still too early to tell though. She's around 5 months of age. In case, she got chickenpox, would she develop the immunity for life for it at this early age? Please provide me with informative sources if availble. Thanks!
Yes. Beyond the 4 months of age, the immune system of a child starts to develop. That's why people start their children for active immunization shorts around 4-6mos. Although people get immuned to chicken pox, they don't get immuned to Shingles which is caused by the same virus of chickenpox.
i had chicken pox twice. once under the age of one, and then at 3.. so that's a big NO for me. I dont think it means you are absolutely immune. some kids who get the vaccine get pox too.
anyone at any age who once had chicken pox will get immunity to it. it doesn't matter at what age a person had it., but if it is an adult - he/she will suffer a lot. small children do not suffer that much

Do anyone know what is the white dotter things on my lips? Herpes?

There are number of them. I am worrying that would it be the herpes? Can anyone tell me? How to cure it? Would it be transmitted to my partner?
I assume you mean the lips on your mouth. Your first herpes outbreak is usually a bit worse. Are you in pain, itching, burning? Herpes is incurable and able to be transmitted. If it is around your mouth then it is probably herpes simplex 1, which is common and often caught in childhood. It will probably break out when you are ill or under too much stress.Since it is springtime, the weird viruses abound. You probably don't have herpes. It may be "hand-foot-mouth" or some other coxackie virus. These go away soon but are also contagious. Make an appointment now while you have symptoms so the doc knows what you're describing. In the meantime, don't put your mouth on anyone's body, cup, or toothbrush.
Whtie dotter things? You should refrain from intercourse until you see a doctor.
The best thing you can do is get tested dont get all anxious and start questioning yourself till you do an exam maybe you dont have it. If its there its there your not gonna make it any better by going crazy trying to figure out. You should be fine... Good luck!! =)
well sorry to tell u that if its herpes there is no cure. 1 and 4 adults over the age of 12 have herpes in the us. everyone should b tested. the good news is oral herpes is a hell of a lot better than genital.

Do anyone is afraid of 8 legged spiders, I'm sure am , i see one , i will scream .?

is it true if you kill one , you will have 8 years of bad luck from killing a pestee ugly bug?
I'm afraid of 80-legged spiders. And I don't care if I do have bad luck...I'm killing it.
Why is this question in the Skin Disease category? And all spiders are 8-legged. if they have a different number, they are not spiders.
a) learn how to speak english
b) all spiders have 8 legs
c) you're a dumb*** if you really think that killing a spider will give you 8 years of bad luck
Killing spiders introduces their venom to whatever device by which you terminate their existence. While this doesn't precisely constitute "bad luck," it does increase the risk of exposure to potentially lethal toxins. Furthermore, since spiders are our secret benevolent overlords and grant many wondrous mutant powers, killing them without provocation will enrage the spider gods, and they may attempt to smite you over the course of the next eight years. These long-running vengeance campaigns are subtle and frequently mistaken for "bad luck."To counter this "bad luck," it is a good idea to bite the head off the next butterfly that lands on your dress, because this soothes the angry spider gods, and they like to see this kind of thing.

Do any one know what to do when you have water burns on my body 20 %do i need to use antibiotics after all ?t?

do any one know what to do when you have water burns on my body 20 %do i need to use antibiotics after all ?second degree burn i think with a blisters ,next day pain almost gone , but what is a danger of infection sens my skin is compromise, any home remade ? bi cos i m out of my country traveling and almost no medical facilities here, so far i got advise to use antibiotics with i m incline not to take ,if Arther more natural ways of healing with out harming my self more , thank u , appreciate any advise .Constantine
keep it cool dry and clean. If u get yellow blisters, see ur doctor
bathe and bandage the wound. Keep it clean, 2nd degree burns are painful, but as long as it isn't an open wound, you should be okay.

Do any of you have MS?

If so, what were your clues?
My mother has MS. She is 59 yrs old. Early in her 20's, she felt tingling in her legs. The doctor could not diagnose it. Years, later,,,,,,,in her 50's, she would fall down for no reason and sometimes when you watch her walk, you would think she had been drinking by the "gait" of her walk. At her job, she started to forget things that she had been trained to do over 15 years ago. It got very bad. Finally, her boss made her go to the doctor. She had an MRI done. From that MRI, they were able to diagnos MS. She gets very tired very easily and can not exert her self too long. For example, if she tried to mop the kitchen floor, she is not able to finish, and is then subject to fall down. The way she puts it,,,,,,,,is that she says her legs are like rubber and she can not control what they do when she is walking. Her logic and reasoning skills are very damaged from the MS. There are many websites that can help you. Look for the National MS Society. Also, doctors who specialize in MS are very few and far between.
She is now on Social Security disability and believe me, I had to work my tail off to get her approved for that and it took over 8 months.
I Was initially diagnosed ,after a stroke as having MS, but the doctor kept digging and now I have the diagnosis of Antiphospholipid syndrome ! out of 5 MS patients are mis-diagnosed.
My first clue was a half-sided facial numbness.Typical first signs are numbess or optical neuritis.

Do Antihistamines causes sleepiness? ( I know I spelled that wrong...)?

Yes, most do (example Benadryl) unless the instructions say it's a non- drowsy formula.
most of them do. box will say if it does or doesn't
yes. Some have been modified by the drug companies to have day and night forms in order not to result in sedation if taken during the day
yes they can depends on what ones you get., check with your chemist because you can get one witch don't cause sleepiness.
It depends on what kind - but usually, yes.
Yes , like many other allopathic medicines the negatives of a drug are used as a positive in another sense its is what gives the limited Pharmacopoeia its varied applicationAnti histamines are use as a sleeping drug in larger dosages
Some antihistamines(not all) cause sleepiness in some people(not all). Everyone is different. I haven't found one yet that makes me sleepy. I am an asthmatic with multiple environmental allergies.
Some do. I take a prescription antihistamine and it makes me sleepy.
Some do for some people. I take generic Zyrtec, Cetirizine
from and have had great results, its cheap and doesnt make me sleepy.
Some, such as Benedryl, definitely cause sleepiness.
The newer ones, such as Claritin and other prescription ones are "non-drowsy", but you have to see how you react to it. Since everyone's body reacts differently to medications, it is important to take a few doses and based on that, decide if is non-drowsy for you.

Do antibiotics usually cause many side effects? There are so many listed that I am scared to take my medicine

Eat some yogurt. Antibiotics can cause yeast infections. For some reason yogurts prevent that. Don't be scared though. Antibiotics will cure whatever is wrong with you!
The alternative is worse: take the medication
No only if allergic.The FDA makes them put these on there the risks are slim to none.If you experience any then contact you Dr.There is no need to worry take your meds.
Go to That is where I went when trying to identify a pill. It gave me all the information I needed and more.
ask your doctor. also, if you are on the Pill, use a backup method, like a condom, because antibiotics cause the pill to fail. it gets metabolized quicker.
no, other than an upset stomach, some irritate your stomach, and all of them kill good bacteria in your gut, so aa is right, eat yogurt to replinish the good bacteria. Yeast infection results when good bacteria die, allowing yeast to have an uncompetitive environment in which all the nutrients are theirs, however im not sure yogurt would prevent this depending on what part of the body it is affecting. P.S. always finish your prescription so you do not become superinfected or contribute to disease resistance
ALL medications have side effects, some more serious than others. You should be most concerned about the common adverse effects which, for antibiotics, are diarrhea, stomach upset and rash but none of these may even happen to you. The benefit outweighs the risk. Take the med.
No, most people don't have any side affects. The most common is diarrhea, but again, most people don't experience that.
If your doctor prescribed it, it's because you need it, so you should take it.

Do allergy medicine make your mouth dry?

Yes, because it dries up all the water in your body. It's called a diuretic, and is not at all good for you. Make sure you're drinking lots of water when you're on your medication.
Mine does.
Sure do. That is a common side effect of most allergy medicines. It is supposed to dry up runny nose and watery eyes, and as such, everything sort of dries up.
Yes because they also dry up your mucous. keep your fluids up and you will be okay..
yes, drink plenty of water.
yeah allergy medications containing antihistamines do, and they arent diuretics, they have what are called anti-cholinergic properties. anti-cholinergics also speed your heart up, make you constipated and make it more diffiicult to urinate (usuually only old people notice those though). claritan has the least of these effects of the over the counter antihistamines, in my opinion benadryl and nyquil are probably the worst (but theyare the most effective since they dry your nose up in addition to blocking histamines). im a big fan of chlor-trimeton (chlorophenerimine) because its kind of a happy medium
Yes. For the same reasons many posters answered.However, if you are on allergy medication long-term, the side effect will diminish, if not disapper all together.I've been taking Allegra-D for years now. I am supposed to take 2 a day, but due to the thirst, and light-headiness feeling, I only take one.
My ears have a tendency to collect fluid, and the Allegra-D has stopped my ear infections. If I stop taking the Allegra-D, BOOM ear infection.Claritin, and other allergy medicines (Benadryll) made me tired. I'd rather be thirsty than tired.

Do allergies make you cough?

Yep, it's called post nasal drip. Allergies make your nose runny (or stuffy or both!) and that can make you cough. Allergens themselves can also irritate your throat, but usually it makes it itchy.
Sometimes... sometimes they make my throat dry and itchy and make me cough in the morning.
They can mine occasionally do. hope I helped
Allergies can make you cough ,sneeze, give you a headache, and all kinds of things to make you feel miserable.
YES like crazy!! ahhh i've been coughing for weeks since it got warm out. *cough*.
Yes they do, as they can trigger an asthmatic attack if severe enough.
Yes, allergies can make you cough, sneeze, have watery eyes, and if you have severe allergies it can make you have head aches.
Allergies that affect the nose, throat or respiratory tract can make you cough. Asthma, allergy to dust mites, pollen, or some foods may cause irritation and inflammation of the nose and throat area which would in turn induce your reflexive coughing reaction. This reflex is activated when your normal breathing and swallowing functions are hampered and become uncomfortable. You may find yourself coughing or gagging involuntarily.
Yep. Allergies affect me the same as a cold. Sneezing and even coughing. Nasal passages get clogged with gunk (yuk) and this can cause coughing. a bit gross. My doctor has told me to take anti-histamines for my allergies as when my nose gets blocked and I start coughing my hearing gets affected. a sorry state to be in.
Cough is caused by a number of ailments.
It can be treated by over the counter medicines
or home remedies. More information available

Do all boils hurt?

I have a small hard ball in my vagina. Near my tigh.
Boil or furuncle is a skin disease caused by the inflammation of hair follicles, thus resulting in the localized accumulation of pus and dead tissues. Individual boils can cluster together and form an interconnected network of boils called carbuncles. In severe cases, boils may develop to form abscesses.Symptoms
The symptoms of boils are red, pus-filled lumps that are tender, warm, and/or painful. A yellow or white point at the center of the lump can be seen when the boil is ready to drain or discharge pus. In a severe infection, multiple boils may develop and the patient may experience fever and swollen lymph nodes. A recurring boil is called chronic furunculosis.In some people, itching may develop before the lumps begin to develop. Boils are most often found on the back, underarms, shoulders, face, lip, thighs and buttocks, but may be found elsewhere. Boils on the ear tend to be more painful, and can create shooting pain in the entire area when touched.Sometimes boils will emit an unpleasant smell, particularly when drained or when discharge is present, due to the presence of bacteria in the discharge.Causes
Boils are generally caused by an infection of the hair follicles by Staphylococcus aureus or staph, a strain of bacteria that normally lives on the skin surface. It is thought that a tiny cut of the skin allows this bacterium to enter the follicles and cause an infection. This can happen during bathing or while using a razor.People with immune system disorders, diabetes, poor hygiene or malnutrition (Vitamin A or E deficiency) are particularly susceptible to getting boils; however, they also occur in healthy, hygienic individuals.Hidradenitis suppurativa causes frequent boils.Boils in the armpits can sometimes be caused by anti-perspirant deodorants.Treatments
Most boils run their course within 4 to 10 days. For most people, self-care by applying a warm compress or soaking the boil in warm water can help alleviate the pain and hasten draining of the pus (colloquially referred to as "bringing the boil to a head"). Once the boil drains, the area should be washed with antibacterial soap and bandaged well.For recurring cases, sufferers may benefit from diet supplements of Vitamin A and E.In serious cases, prescription oral antibiotics such as dicloxacillin (Dynapen) or cephalexin (Keflex), or topical antibiotics, are commonly used. For patients allergic to penicillin-based drugs, erythromycin (E-base, Erycin) may also be used.However, some boils are caused by a superbug known as community-acquired Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or CA-MRSA. Bactrim or other sulfa drugs must be prescribed relatively soon after boil has started to form. MRSA tends to increase the speed of growth of the infection.Magnesium sulfate paste applied to the affected area can prevent the growth of bacteria and reduce boils by absorbing pus and drying up the lesion.Hope this helps!
it is in a very bad area so this is likely why it hurts so much
Get it checked, right away. It could be the start of something larger.
ya,actually most boils hurt alot and its best for u not to disturb it when its just forming, just press it regularly with hot water and use antibiotics on it. u should also buy some antibiotic tablets and take it 4 as long as the boil lasts coz as u no it comes 4rm inside.take kare.

Dizzy spells?...?

For a few years now I've been haveing these scary episodes where I black-out for a few minutes or so.
Like first I'll notice my body feels like it's starting to get really really hot and then it gets hard for me to stand as my legs go numb on me - so I have to get down on the ground before I fall. My vison also goes black . at first it's like white dots fill up my eyesight but then my vison will go to total darkness (one time that part lasted for a really long time). Then after all this stuff gets over with (which sometimes takes a while), but afterwards my body feels really cold like a cold sweat, then that too fades away.
Sometimes it happens when my period comes around, but other times it doesn't. Like hear recently it's been happening a lot, and I don't know what it is/or why it's been happeinging to me.( I just wish I could go to the doctors and find out what's wrong with me, but I can't - since I don't have my health insurance YET. )I don't know. What do u think?
When you don’t have money to get the care you need, here are some free resources for you, read through them, and pick up the phone, and get your needed help. You can get free dental, free hospitalization, free medications, free doctors visits, and much more! and low cost prescription medication:
I have used xubex, for one of my customers, and it worked great, you get a 90 day supply of pills for either $20. or 30. CAN I FIND LOW COST DIABETIC SUPPLIES?Abbott Diabetes Care Patient Assistance Program
This program assists financially disadvantaged individuals who meet certain income criteria. The Abbott Diabetes Care application can be found at or call 866-224-8887.Bayer
Bayer offers a one time startup/upgrade (from other Bayer meters) kit--CONTOUR® Blood Glucose Monitoring System that includes a small number of strips. Advocates consider the price of the strips to be expensive for individuals without health, Inc. ( offers limited reimbursement for diabetes medications, supplies, and insulin to persons who qualify under their "ERMA" (Emergency Request for Medical Assistance) program. They also offer limited monthly financial assistance to qualifying persons to help cover the cost of insulin, diabetes medications and supplies. Persons may only receive financial assistance through one program and no more than once per year. Under their "REDS" program eligible persons may receive certain free diabetes and insulin pump supplies. Contact the Assistance Program Director, for more information about programs currently funded.
Islets of Hope ( lists comprehensive assistance programs by state, as well as international resources for other countries. Includes private, corporate, and government programs. Click on “Assistance Programs” in their pull-down menu. Islets of hope also has a guidebook describing assistance programs for diabetes supplies, insulin pumps, medication, etc. See
Together RxAccess
This drug discount card is sponsored by 12 major pharmaceutical companies . The card is free and offers a 25%-40%* discount on brand-name and generic prescription drugs as well as other prescription products, such as glucose test strips.
To qualify:
·Cannot be eligible for Medicare
·Cannot have prescription drug coverage (public or private)
·Must have a household income equal to or less than
o$30,000 for a single person
o$40,000 for a family of two
o$50,000 for a family of three
o$60,000 for a family of four
o$70,000 for a family of five
·Must be a legal US resident
Other prescription discount cards
Most discount cards include diabetic testing supplies in their covered products. Be sure to compare prices for the products you need before selecting a card. For additional information on choosing a discount card visit

Financial Assistance and Other Resources for People With Cancer:Cancer imposes heavy economic burdens on both patients and their families. For many people, a portion of medical expenses is paid by their health insurance plan. For individuals who do not have health insurance or who need financial assistance to cover health care costs, resources are available, including Government-sponsored programs and services supported by nonprofit organizations. Cancer patients and their families should discuss any concerns they may have about health care costs with their physician, medical social worker, or the business office of their hospital or clinic.
This is about FREE hospitalization, if you need it and they WILL help you!
Hill Burton Hotline
(1-800-492-0359 in Maryland)
In 1946, Congress passed a law that gave hospitals, nursing homes and other health facilities grants and loans for construction and modernization. In return, they agreed to provide a reasonable volume of services to persons unable to pay and to make their services available to all persons residing in the facility’s area. The program stopped providing funds in 1997, but about 300 health care facilities nationwide are still obligated to provide free or reduced-cost care.
Medicaid is for people under 65, medicare is for the seniors.
How to apply for Medicaid or medicare information about Social Security, Medicare, and disability benefits, call the Social Security Administration at 800-772-1213. For information about Medicaid, contact your local social service or welfare office. You can also find information about Medicare and Medicaid at www.CMS.govHow To Pay for Mental Health Services
Additional Public Benefits for Families Raising Children:
How to Get a Free or Low Cost Pap Smear, The National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program provides free or low cost Pap smears to eligible women across the country. Through this program, uninsured and impoverished women can receive Pap smears at local clinics and doctor's offices.
Here’s a list for every state: can I go to get free or reduced-cost prenatal care?
You can call this number if you need free birth control help, too!
Women in every state can get help to pay for medical care during their pregnancies. This prenatal care can help you have a healthy baby. Every state in the United States has a program to help. Programs give medical care, information, advice and other services important for a healthy pregnancy.
To find out about the program in your state:
·Call 1-800-311-BABY (1-800-311-2229) This toll-free telephone number will connect you to the Health Department in your area code
·For information in Spanish, call 1-800-504-7081
·Call or contact your local Health Department.
see a Dr, if it is something bad you need it looked at now.
How many glasses of water do you drink? Read the "dehydration" website. 6-8 glasses of pure water is recommended to keep the body in good health. Take 2 tbls. of heinz apple cider vinegar in a glass of water 2-3 x day for its 93 vitamins and minerals. You will be fine once you start drinking the water. You will urinate it out. Water keeps the blood thinned.
Hey, I don't know why this is happening to you and it is doesn't sound like vertigo. Or any dizziness I have ever heard of.Vertigo is where you feel like you or the room is literally spinning. Sometimes people will say lightheaded or dizzy when they mean that they feel more like they are floating or such.My more immediate concern for you is getting you to a doctor to make sure you are okay. So, I would first ask close am I to gettting insurance? and Two, can I afford to go to somewhere like an instacare now to find out if it is anything I should worry about versus a long hospital stay if it turnes out to be something that is now out of control.Keep in mind that sometimes illnesses when caught early are easily treated...but, if left untreated can blow up into something very nasty.
could be a seizure either epilepsy or a brain tumor, this is serious and you should not be waiting. Ask your parents for help.

Distinguish between a specific and a nonspecific response... im talking about responses in an immune system.?

If you catch a cold, the bug enters your blood system where upon the white cells react. This is a specific response to an attack from the cold, bug. A non-specific response, where you have no bug, invader, but your immune system thinks you have, therefore goes off attacking anything it believes to be a foreign invader. Auto-antibodies are generated.
A non-specific response would be an increase in the white blood cell count in response to an infection as opposed to the production of antibodies to a specific disease, such as one you have had before or one for which you have been vaccinated.

Disease or bladder Infection?

does HPV make a mans penis burn? Could he just have a bladder infec... ? This has happened 3 times, since i've been dating him 6 months, and I was just curious..
3 times in a 6 month period seems to be something to be concerned about. I would get it check out.
I wouldn't take chances on whether it's an STD or a bladder infection, both still need to be diagnosed and treated if possible.
The only way to know for sure is to have some tests run. Time to drag him to the doctor's office. :)

Discoloration or scars from pimples?

I'm very pale, and since I'm a teenager I know I'm going to have bad skin at this age. But most of my pimples have gone away except for a certain time of the month of course, but theyve left dark red or purple scars. And theyre all supposedly healed. Is there any cream I can put on my face to help?
Toothpaste is not a good idea. It is very drying and irritating. For post acne marks, there are many available products made for that. Some over the counter names are Neutrogena Post Acne Mark Fading Peel, University Medical Power Pimple Peel, University Medical Scar Fade and Erase...for more intense, targeted fading, use products with 2% hydroquinone. It's a skin bleaching agent that with regular use will fade discolorations...but only use at night because the sun will cause adverse reactions by darkening your lightened skin. Best of luck!

Discoloration of Skin Due To Rubbing?

I used to have a horrible habit of rubbing my eyes and this caused the skin above my eyelids and below my eyebrows to become dark and very dry. I stopped rubbing and tried vaseline and other creams but it just won't go away. What can I do?
discontinue rubbing your eyes.. I am sure the skin will loose some of the dark colouring..
you need to address the habit not the results of it..

Disappearance of warts...?

I had 3 warts on the bottom of my feet and one on my thumb. the ones on my feet have been there for 3 years and the one on my thumb for about a year. Within the last two months they all disappeared. What would cause this?
I read that if you are low in vitamin E you could be more susceptible to them...are you taking a multiple vitamin with minerals? Or eating more foods that contain vitamin E? (castor oil properties) (vitamin dosage recommendations for warts) (list of folk remedies for warts)
i have no idea but you should tell me your secret because I have a wort on my finger too!
i use to have warts on my feet and hands. had them burn off and they came back. somebody told me to get in a swimming pool and they would go away. when i did, i haven't had any trouble with it since. it's like a fingus on your hands and feet. you use certian kinds of things and it makes it go away.
i heard that sometimes the virus just leaves your body and they go away. my mom had a really bad cold and when her body fought off her cold, it killed the wart virus too! weird...

Disabilities caused by musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders?

how common are these disabilities and on average how long does it take to recover?
I have rhumetiod arthitis and the only thing i can do is take medication to stop the progression and exercise to remain limber.
Sadly, these are becoming very common, and generally there is no cure from diseases that may cause these Most are from Autoimmune diseases.

Dirty People, Clear skin?

Why is it that people who don't take care of their face and touch it all the time don't have acne?And the people who treat their face still have acne no matter how clean it is?
Acne is usually a result of hormonal levels changing as one grows into an adult. It is most prevelant in the teen years.
Most all people experience this to one degree or another in the teen years.
Unfortunately, it hits some harder than others.
To believe that cleanliness is the reason you have or do not have acne only hurts those who have it.
Good news is that as you age a little it usually goes away.
Wish I knew the answer to this one...
That's not really exactly true, it really depends on the person. But sometimes people who wash their face too much destroy some healthy oil glands leading into your body thinking that you need more oil glands inevitable creating more oil glands then needed, leading to pimples.
thats a good question!
they don't put unnatural stuff on their skin and it's probably hereditary for them to have good skin.they must also have natural oils on the skin,which is supposed to be good.
if u clean your skin too much,its going to compensate for the lost oils by producing even more and thats how u get even more acne.
YES, tell me about it. My friend who only showers every other day and who barely washes her clothes gets like one at least every three yrs. I guess its genetics. Her Mom %26 brother breaks out, but her Dad doesn't.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Digestive system problems?

I have some problem with my digestive system it seems. I started noting this when I wasn't feeling fresh in the morning even after 7-8 hours of sleep. I drilled down to the reasons and realized that there is some problem with the digestive system (But this is what I think. I am not sure about it). I always have pain and discomfort in my stomach. There鈥檚 always a burning sensation in my stomach. I feel very weak after I eat something. Initially I thought it鈥檚 but natural to feel drowsy after meals but soon realized that it is not the usual lethargy. I thought it was because I smoke daily (1-2 cig per day) and consume alcohol (a glass or 2 of beer once in a week ). I have stopped that now, but it seems it is not curing the damage that may have happened already. Are there any medicines which I can try ( I am in US) and see if it is helping before I go and consult my GP? Is it a symptom of peptic ulcer? Can somebody please help me?Thanks
Hi Masti, rather than medications for this, which ultimately will just mask the problems and likely cause your stomache further problems, why not try some digestive enzymes prior to meals and try elliminating certain foods that have been known to cause these problems?One of the foods that is often a problem is wheat products. Many people suffer from Celiac Disease and go on for years before being diagnosed. This means when they eat anything containing wheat they system kind of does a mini shut down, (listless or tired, slow digestion) You can google Celiac Disease if you like, the only treatment for this is to elliminate all Wheat Products from your diet. Difficult at first, but as you get used to it, not so bad.Another food that would be very suspect would be Dairy Products. For most, dairy products are difficult to digest and over time can become more and more problematic.This is easy enough to remedy, just try elliminating all Dairy for 2 weeks, see how you feel. Please remember though, dairy is found in most packaged foods and when elliminating for 2 weeks you need to completely elliminate the suspect food.Other foods you might consider, sugar, chemical additives, fast food, convenience foods.Try to eat organic fruits and vegetables when ever possible and see how you feel then.Sounds like you are willing to try thiings that would help yourself, these would be my first choices.
The above advice is excellent. Since I specialize in Celiac Disease advocacy, that's where I'll focus! Celiac Disease (CD) is an extremely common autoimmune disorder. It is estimated 1 in 133 ppl in the US have it, and 97% dont know it yet! It is extremely hereditary and is genetically predisposed.
CD is easily treated by eating GLUTEN FREE (not just wheat free). Gluten is in wheat, rye, barley and often in oats (due to cross contamination wtih wheat at harvest.). There is a HUGE amount of yummy gluten free food available it jsut takes time to learn to read labels and navigate the system.To be diagnosed with CD you need to read this:How is Celiac Disease Diagnosed?When working with a physician to diagnose and/or confirm celiac disease (CD), three major steps are taken. First, a thorough physical examination is conducted, including a series of blood tests, sometimes referred to as the Celiac Blood Panel. Second, a duodenal biopsy is performed with multiple samples from multiple locations in the small intestine. And third, the gluten-free diet is implemented. When the patient shows a positive response to the diet - symptoms subside and the small intestine returns to its normal, healthy state - the diagnosis of CD is confirmed.(NOTE: To ensure the most accurate and timely diagnosis, the gluten-free diet should be implemented only after the first two steps have been completed.)
1: ExaminationPatient HistoryWhen reviewing a patient's medical history and symptoms with a physician, the following areas should be considered in the discussion: (The first three are applicable to adults and children. The last is specific to children.) * What are the symptoms? How long have they been present? How often do they occur? * What is the patient's emotional state? Is it consistent throughout the day? When and for how long do the symptoms occur? * What else is involved? Other diseases? Other organs? * How is the child developing?See What are the Symptoms of Celiac Disease? for a thorough list of possible symptoms.Physical ExaminationDepending on the presentation of symptoms, the physician will check for some of the following items: * emaciation * pallor (due to anemia) * hypotension (low blood pressure) * edema (due to low levels of protein, [albumin] in the blood) * dermatitis herpetiformis (skin lesions) * easy bruising (lack of vitamin K) * bone or skin and mucosa membrane changes due to vitamin deficiencies * protruding or distended abdomen (intestine dysmotility) * loss of various sensations in extremities including vibration, position and light touch (vitamin deficiency) * signs of severe vitamin/mineral deficiencies which may include:
* -diminished deep tendon reflexes * muscle spasms (magnesium and/or calcium deficiency) * bone tenderness and bone pain (due to osteomalacia)Blood TestsA number of tests, sometimes collectively referred to as the Celiac Blood Panel, will aid the physician in diagnosis. The tests may include, but are not limited to: *
Serologic Tests 1. EMA (Immunoglobulin A anti-endomysium antibodies)
2. AGA (IgA anti-gliadin antibodies)
3. AGG (IgG anti-gliadin antibodies)
4. tTGA (IgA anti-tissue transglutaminase) * Tolerance or Measure of Digestion/Absorption Tests 1. Lactose tolerance test.
2. D-Xylose test.Return to top2: BiopsyIn the event that clinical signs and laboratory tests indicate probable malabsorption, a biopsy of the small intestine [jejunal] is called for. In this test, a small flexible biopsy instrument is passed through a tube, down the throat, through the stomach and into the upper end of the small intestine where patchy, multiple snippets of tissue are gathered. The tube is removed and the tissue samples are examined under a microscope for signs of injury. CD DiagnosisThe difference between tissue in a normal small intestine and that found in a celiac patient is remarkable. The normal finger-like projections (villi), which increase the absorptive surface area of the small intestine, are partially or totally flattened in a person with celiac disease. Enzymes located on the brush border are also drastically reduced. Lactase, the enzyme responsible for splitting milk sugar (lactose) so it can be absorbed, is an example of one of these brush border enzymes. This decrease in lactase explains why some untreated celiac patients may not be able to tolerate milk products and will have developed lactose intolerance. Elevated numbers of T-cell lymphocytes (white blood cells) are also present. The small bowel biopsy samples of persons with dermatitis herpetiformis often show similar damage.To view a color-coded illustration of a single villus, visit MEDLINEplus.NOTE: At this time there is no standardization in either serological testing or intestinal biopsies.To view a chart showing typical test results for someone with celiac diseaseClick HereReturn to top3: DietThe diagnosis of celiac disease is complete when the health of the patient improves following implementation of the gluten-free (GF) diet. When gluten is removed from the diet, most of the damage that was done to the small intestine (the jejunum) is repaired. It takes only three to six days for the intestinal lining (the mucosa) to show improvement. Within three to six months, most symptoms subside as the mucosa returns to its normal (or nearly normal) state.For an explanation of the gluten-free diet, see: * How is Celiac Disease Treated?
* Gluten-Free Diet: Basic Diet Choices
* Gluten-Free Diet: Grains and Flours If, after six months on the GF diet, symptoms still persist, the following need to be considered: * Has gluten been removed from every area of your diet and life? (See How is Celiac Disease Treated? for information on where gluten can "hide" in food and other products.) * Do unrelated conditions exist that are causing the continued discomfort? (See How is Celiac Disease Treated? for information on additional conditions that may be present.) The GF diet is a risk-free diet! Gluten, as a protein, is not essential to the diet and its amino acid components are replaced many times over by other foods. Adopting the GF diet can only result in improved health and well-being. The medical information on this page was last reviewed/updated on January 1, 2004.
If you are diagnosed you'll find a wealth of info online, including several Yahoo groups, the best one being SillyYaks on Yahoo Health Groups. Look for a support group in your area.Have no fear, they make Gluten free beer! And many other alcohols are gluten free.
Goes without saying you need to quit smoking but tackle one demon at at ime! I have no idea if cigaretter are gluten free, there is so much crap in them I would imagine they had gluten in them!!
Best of luck!
Chairperson Louisiana North Shore Celiac Sprue Association

Digestive system models cheap price? in madison WI?

i need one for class and for cheap, and i dont know any deseases that is in the digestive tracts that i need to know for my poaster so if you know any, please tell me!
i know science .com has ones you can order. for only 4.99$

Digestive system models cheap price? in madison WI?

i need one for class and for cheap, and i dont know any deseases that is in the digestive tracts that i need to know for my poaster so if you know any, please tell me!
go to a local clinic and ask them for phone number for the prevacid drug representative. Prevacid is a digestive system drug and this company makes very fine charts for digestive system disorders, ask the company representative if he/she can provide you with a chart or at least let you look at one, good luck

Diffrentiation between red and yellow bone marrow in the function of both of them?

Most bones consist of a central marrow cavity surrounded by a sheath of compact bone. Short bones, such as the bones of the rib cage and skull, contain red marrow which is involved in red blood cell production. Long bones, such as the bones of the thigh and upper arm, contain primarily fatty yellow marrow with some red marrow at their ends. The difference between the two types of marrow is not very distinct, and even red marrow contains some fat.

Different types of diabetes?

can you get it if you have a low blood sugar level?
Their are 2 kinds of diabetes. Type I diabetes is a result of decreased insulin production. Type II diabetes is a result of the body not responding to normal insulin levels. Type I is also called "juvenile diabetes" and is seen initially in young people. It can carry on into adulthood so you will see adults with type I. Type II usually starts later in life and is often a result of obesity. The body isn't as sensitive to insulin when it has a large amount of fat.
Low blood sugar happens when you're body is too sensitive to insulin (insulin makes blood sugar drop). This has nothing to do with diabetes. Its actually the opposite of diabetes because the insulin is doing its job in lowering the sugar level. Lots of young women have problems with overactive insulin production and as a result low blood sugar.
You r talking about Diabetes Mellitus.
Low blood sugar can be a sign of diabetes. Or if you have not eaten for quite awhile. Type 1 is juvenile diabetes. It is an auto-immune disease that causes the body to attack the Langerhan cells in the pancreas. There is no cure but to administer insulin- as the pancreas cannot produce it . In type 2- there is insulin being released by the pancreas, but the body is not responding to it any longer or the pancreas is not producing enough insulin. This type can usually be diet controlled or be controlled with oral medications, although some do use a "sliding scale" of insulin. Hope this helped
You may, but not necessarily. You may just have hypoglycemia, and not end up with diabetes. See a doctor.Here is a website that can provide info on this for people who do and do not have diabetes:
Low blood sugar is called Hypoglycemia, the diet you follow is basically the same as diabetes. My glucose used to run low from time to time and now I have type 2, that doesn't mean it's going to happen to you.
Diabetes different types:Type 1 your body little or no insulinType 2 your body makes insulin but can't utilize it.Type 3 is a combination of 1 and 2Gestational diabetes can happen to a woman when she's pregnant even if she didn't have it before.
Types of diabetes is insulin dependent or type 1 and the non-insulin dependent or the type 2.

Difference between squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma.?

These are different types of cancer commonly caused by tobacco smoking and located in the mouth, throat and lungs. Squamous cell is cancer located in epithelial cells of the mouth throat or lungs and adenocarcinoma is composed of cells of glandular tissue and often starts in the alveoli of the lungs. Both of these types of cancer are what is called NSCLC or non-small cell lung cancer. Both adenocarcinoma and squamous cell cancer can also be found elsewhere in the body besides the lungs but given the nature of your question it is probable that you are asking about potential lung cancer.
The definitions and explanations are extensive on both, so I'll tell you what to look up to find what you want to know regarding both:
For the Squamos Cell Carcinoma: Open the ByeDr.coms website. Go to "Cancer" and click it. In the "Search" space at the top of the column of questions, type in "Squamos Carcinoma." There is a multitude of information, as I said, on the topic.
For Adeno Carcinoma: Go to Scroll down to "Search Results." The information is in blue. Good luck!

Difference between IBS and Bacterial Overgrowth Syndrome?

IBS is tied to stress. Your intestines either contract due to stress thus making you constipated or they push waste thru to quickly again due to stress. Bacterial Overgrowth is caused by overgrowth of bacteria which does not occur due to your emotional state.
I have suffered from IBS for 10 years or so. There are medicines you can take to reverse bacterial overgrowth where as with IBS you just have to learn to live with.
Remicade is actually a very effective treatment for IBS.

Difference between bulimiia & anorexia?

I heard these two are quite similar. But i want to know the strong differences and also each of the disease' symptoms. Any recommended website where i can learn more about it
bulimia..the person has a food binge, then vomits..anorexia...the person starves themself..

Diet plan for person suffering from pancreatitis...if somebody could help me with that?

Please email my friend, Liz at who had chronic pancreatitis and had pancreas removed and had her islete cells transferred to her liver. (she wants to speak with you). My friend had acute pancreatitis that turned into chronic pancreaitis. She was hospitalized every time, and every time the enzyme level elevated higher 1500-2500, permanently damaging her pancreas. She just had the whole thing removed, yes, you heard me right. Click on my profile (just click on my pick), go to my answered questions, under the one on pancreas. Read what I wrote, then email me. I will have you two talk to each other (my friend who had the procedure done). I know that they had to put her on digestive enzymes (prescription grade of course). I feel for you, I know what she went through for five years. I am praying for you as well right this moment. God bless you....
Several places to get one on
Ironically, I've just come back a couple of hours ago from the ICU, a friend of ours passed away from complications of acute pancreatitis. I won't go into the diet stuff, but will tell you this because I was not aware of my friend's case until she was in theatre and therefore could not give her family this advice:If someone is suffering from acute pancreatitis, they should be admitted. The management is to place them on IV fluids for rehydration, rest the digestive system (parenteral feeding), and if needed, prophylactic antibiotics. Don't risk it. I found out that our friend was mismanaged from the beginning and discharged, leading to the pancreas bursting and subsequent sepsis and multiorgan failure.Hope this helps.

Diet for Crohn's disease?

We're having a friend with Crohn's disease over for dinner tonight, and I want to make sure I don't cook anything that will make her sick. Long story...but she doesn't know that we know she has this disease, and I don't feel comfortable bringing it up with her. Is there anyone out there living with the disease, or who knows about it and can fill me in? Also, does this menu sound OK - all I know about the disease is that sufferers should avoid spicy food:grilled chicken marinated in lemon, olive oil, thyme
sauteed asparagus and snow peas
white riceI am trying to keep it as neutral as possible. Thanks!
It's hard to say, since you can't ask her and you don't know the details of her condition, but it should be fine. I have Crohn's disease and grilled chicken and white rice are some of my "safety foods" and I have never heard of anyone having problems with them, or read anything about problems with them. The one hangup could be that if she's on a low-residue diet for a stricture (narrowing of intestines, which is common with Crohn's), then she may need to only eat vegetables that are very well-cooked, almost mushy. (And some vegetables shouldn't be eaten at all on a low-residue diet.) This could be done by steaming or baking the vegetables. But it's very kind for you to be considerate, and I would just cook the meal and not worry about it and if she chooses not to eat something (because she's not supposed to), just don't mention it and offer her more of the other foods she can eat.
Katzen, she sure is lucky to have a friend like you who cares. I have a wife who is highly allergic to many foods and most people don't go out of their way to find out what she can't eat.bully for the net for Crohn disease diets and see if your menu is right. it sounds good to me but be sure.enjoy the evening.
Sounds great.can I come over too?
Living With Crohn's Disease
Provided by:
Last Updated: May 31, 2002Most people living with Crohn's disease find that periods of remission (when they are free from symptoms) are longer and more frequent than periods of acute illness. This has never been truer than it is today, when doctors have large and growing arsenal of treatment options to prescribe. The severity of Crohn's disease can be measured objectively with indexes that chart symptoms, including:The number of bowel movements per dayAppetite levelFeverNumber of days in a month when an individual must modify his or her work, home, or social schedule because of diarrhea, fatigue, fever, and other symptoms
Severity can also be measured subjectively, through a doctor's assessment of an individual's general state of being (such as whether he or she is angry, depressed, in pain, or embarrassed by needing to use the toilet frequently in social or business situations).There is considerable variation in how people with Crohn's disease experience their illness. An individual whose radiological examinations reveal an extent of disease that would seem to be debilitating may lead a relatively normal life, while a person with few objective signs of disease may find his or her symptoms totally debilitating, both physically and mentally.Remission And Relapse
Although Crohn's disease is a chronic (long-term) inflammatory bowel disease, it is not a constant disease. That is, Crohn's disease is characterized by acute flare-ups of symptoms followed by remissions that last for varying periods of time. Each individual's pattern of symptoms is different, and conscientious doctors treat patients according to their reported symptoms rather than the results of laboratory tests or radiological exams. Diarrhea, pain, and fever-along with fatigue, chills, and possibly vomiting-come and go, sometimes in waves and sometimes in sharp bursts. Flare-ups can occur out of the blue, following a viral illness such as a head cold, or during times of extreme personal, business, or social stress.Nutritional Issues And Proper Diet
Compromised nutrition, even malnutrition, is a constant threat to an individual with Crohn's disease. This is because the disease creates a vicious cycle:Fever and diarrhea cause a loss of appetite.Fever, by raising the body's metabolic rate, adds to the need for caloric energy. Diarrhea can lead to dehydration and temporary lactose intolerance (the inability to digest milk sugars). Lactose intolerance causes milk sugars to ferment in the colon, leading to cramps and more diarrhea.Lactose intolerance can also indirectly lead to calcium deficiency, which in turn can lead to the loss of bone density called osteoporosis. This side effect can be especially prevalent among those being treated with corticosteroids such as prednisone.
Nutritional treatment for Crohn's disease has two main goals.The first is to increase the intake of calories, especially in the form of proteins, along with vitamins, minerals, and trace elements, to prevent nutritional deficiency. The second is to create an eating pattern that minimizes stress on the diseased digestive tract. This often means eating smaller, more frequent meals. Many nutrition counselors suggest that people with Crohn's disease consume six half-sized meals each day, spacing them equally and consuming the last at least three hours before bedtime.
Most doctors tell people with Crohn's disease that their diet should be "normal, as tolerated." There is no conclusive evidence that particular foods cause flare-ups. During a flare-up, however, doctors often suggest that individuals reduce their intake of dietary fiber, such as whole grains, raw fruits and vegetables. Colon Cancer Risk
Statistically, individuals with Crohn's disease have a slightly increased risk of developing colorectal cancer, although not as much of an increased risk as those with ulcerative colitis. Scientists are still searching for the link between inflammatory bowel disease and colon cancer. For individuals with Crohn's disease, the risk of developing colorectal cancer increases over time, as is true for the general population. For this reason, regular screenings-either a colonoscopy with biopsy or a barium enema-should begin about 12 years after initial diagnosis if the disease is confined to the small intestine, and eight years after diagnosis if there is disease in the colon.

Diet for celiac and TB sufferers?

I have a friend who is not sure about any special dietary do's and don'ts for tb/celiac suffers. She seems to react to mild spices, any ideas?
Some spices that are purchased "pre-ground" are mixed with wheat flour to prevent caking. Other than that, check out the safe and forbidden foods lists at
my mum suffers from celiac and has to stay away from wheat, barley, rhye and oats.xxxx
avoid anything with gluten in it ,i had a list of things from celiac uk try googling to find what she can/can't have
I know that diary is not good for TB, as it aggravates the respiratory system. So avoiding dairy would be a good start.
For calcium, these foods have more ratio to ratio, than milk:
quinoa, amaranth (pop like pop-corn)%26 or rice milk with added calcium (please c link for more info:, I also saw this info on the celiac website: they mention that rice is the safest to eat %26 the common list of forbidden grains is: wheat, rye, barley and oats (although oats is not yet donfirmed).
I am a celiac... I can NOT have any type of gluten at all! Gluten is pretty much in everything!! Foods that are rice based, and rice flour are what I have to supplement. Fruits, %26 vegetables of any kind are ok. The diet is difficult to get used to, however IT WORKS, The Really Great food company
Good luck. I know nothing about TB but I have lived on a gluten free diet since 1999 and operate a web blog designed to help people in my situation. I don't think I'm supposed to use this site to advertise my site but if you'll e-mail I can give you at least some of the information you need. As for your question about spices, it will not be difficult to avoid spicy food on the gluten free diet. Paul []
All great answers! I do not know the TB side of it either. I suggest she speak with a GI doc who can consult with the doc who treats her TB.
Here are some more helpful
www.csaceliacs.orgThanks, Amy Chairperson Louisiana NS Celiac Sprue Association

Did you know, in "1938" Lung Endometriosis was discovered and researched?

Many cases of endometriosis have been reported within the thorax in various sites: lung parenchyma, pleura, diaphragm, myocardium and bronchial tree. This has been referred to as Thoracic, Pulmonary, Extrapelvic and Lung Endometriosis.
( )
No, I did not! I find this very interesting.. never thought that thoracic endometriosis existed.This is extremely helpful to me as I am currently working on a major project about the human respiratory system.Thanks for sharing your knowledge!

Did You Know Researchers In Sept And Oct 2006 ADMITTED NO EVIDENCE FOR LDLReduction?

When researchers went searching for this SUPPOSED "COMELLING EVIDENCE" gues what they found?
These are the FCATS people Completel;y DISREGARD HARMONY. CK1956 ETC
To those of you who might mistakenly believe these claims here is the conclusion to an article that contradicts them from the Journal of the American Medical Association. CONCLUSION: This overview of all published randomized trials of statin drugs demonstrates large reductions in cholesterol and clear evidence of benefit on stroke and total mortality. There was, as expected, a large and significant decrease in CVD mortalityHebert PR. Gaziano JM. Chan KS. Hennekens CH. Cholesterol lowering with statin drugs, risk of stroke, and total mortality. An overview of randomized trials.[see comment]. [Review] [53 refs] [Journal Article. Review] JAMA. 278(4):313-21, 1997 Jul 23-30. To Ashley A/Razwell R/ CholesterolFraud C:
I know you believe in this big conspiracy, but medical evidence contradicts you. is for people with medical questions, not a soap box.
STOP IT ALREADY.P.S. Thank God I can copy and paste!
I'm aware of the facts; you are wrong. Fortunatly people are smart enough to make diet and medication decisions based on imput from a doctor and not from a crank on y/a; so at least your false information won't be helping to kill anyone,.
Read that article THOROUGHLY PEOPLE and look at Colpo's links to the excat articleYOU WILL SOON SEE WHO IS THE PHONY- the guy above me named "wizjp"I HAVE EXPOSED THIS SHAM THOUROUGHLY AND I AM GLAD.
Harmony What you cite does NOT demonstarte AT ALL that cholesterol reduction is founded. It ONLY shows statins have SOME benefit in patients WITH CHDThis is knownTHE ARTICLES I CITE ACTUALLY SHOW THAT CHOLESTEROL REDUCTION IS NOT, IS NOT the responsible factor.IT SHOWS STATINS WORK BY ANTI INFLAMATION WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT CORONAY HEART DISEASE IS - AN INFLAMATORY DISEASE AND THIS is MY POINTCholesterol reduction was shown to be UNFOUNDED.
Cholesterol lowering per se does NOT lower CHD mortality or overall mortality
I'd like to, what legitimate journal was this in?BTW, there is a spell checker. Take a deep breath and use it/FCATS : Facts
COMELLING : compelling
excat : exact

Did You hear About This MAJOR BLOW To The INCORRECT Lipid Hypothesis?

The National Cholesterol Education panel stated that consistent and complelling evidence showed a strong relationship between LDL cholesterol level and cardiovascular risk.When researchers went searching for this "compelling" evidence they found " no clinical trial subgroup analyses or valid cohort - or case control analyses suggesting that the degree to which LDL cholesterol responds to a statin independently predicts the degree of cardiovascular risk reduction"In other words NO EVIDENCE FOR THE CURRENT RECOMMENDATIONS FOR LDL REDUCTION
You can see it all here in the October 2006 issue of The Archives Of Internal Medicine you aware of this?
cholesterol,You didn't quite get it right, which means that you got it wrong. Here's how that abstract ends:"Clear, compelling evidence supports near-universal empirical statin therapy in patients at high cardiovascular risk (regardless of their natural LDL cholesterol values), but current clinical evidence does not demonstrate that titrating lipid therapy to achieve proposed low LDL cholesterol levels is beneficial or safe."What this means is "If you have high cholesterol, lowering it works, and everybody can prove it. Getting it as low as current recommendations propose does not have supporting evidence."It does NOT say what you say it says, that lowering cholesterol does not work or that the "cholesterol hypothesis" is disproved. It clearly says that lowering cholersterol works in people with high cholesterol. You may also want to look at this issue of the same journal: 18 September 2001 that says:"This article reviews the pathophysiology of this disorder, focusing on the changes in lipoprotein particle number and composition rather than lipoprotein lipid levels. The in vitro and in vivo evidence that small, dense LDL are more atherogenic than normal larger, buoyant LDL is summarized, and the particularly high-risk state conferred by increased numbers of small, dense LDL is delineated."Which says that some forms of cholesterol are worse than others, causing athersclerosis.The Annals of Internal Medicine nowhere says that the "lipid hypothesis" is wrong. Nowhere.Sorry about that.
What about HDL and vLDL? Any information on that? I still think following a heart healthy diet and maintaining the recommended ratio of LDL/HDL is a good idea in patients with or at high risk for cardiovascular disease.
Here you goAll the information you could want about the FALSE Lipid Hypothesis
type in Anthony Colpo Unleashed on
"11 % OVERALL AND 14 % CVD DETAH RATE INCREASE PER 1 mg/dl DROP in cholesterol
SOORY about that but YOU are MISinformed
IT IS INVALIDread this good
As usual, your statements are only half truths. You cite only the parts of articles that back up your theories. Your lack of independent medical knowledge shows clearly.Get it through your head. The"great" Colpo is in a league with the guy who thought that his cult would be saved by a UFO hiding behind a comet.
Sigh... I have tried and tried to get it across to you. You keep quoting Colpo and parts of some studies that support you. You frequently fail to read and/or understand the full study. You ignore anything that contradicts your pet theory.

Did you diabetics know?

I am no doctor but- I started taking flaxseed oil pills, 1000 mg. and garlic pills, about 2 each, twice day [with my meds too of course] and it has lowered my B.S, level, give it a week and see, it works for me. you can get them at cvs. Also I started taking one baby aspirin a day. Of course ask your doctor first! I din't, I just decided to try this. I'll see my doc in 10 days and ask her opinion.
If you're taking both garlic and aspirin, I'd be careful with knives if I were you, both of them thin the blood..
thanks but my aunt is on insulin injections. Don't think anything will help
No I did not know this but will give it a try as soon as a consult with my Dr. Thanks for the info tho. We diabetics have to help each other out any way possible.
It might help to lower glucose but not cure it.

Did this ever happen to any of you? I have been diagnosed with shingles. I am 34 and otherwise totally healthy

I have been to the doctor at the health center of the college where I work and to my PCP. They both think it is shingles, but I have no pain at all and it is simply a little line of itchy bumps on my neck. I have really swollen glands and a sore throat. I am coughing so much that I cannot sleep at night. Does this sound like shingle to anyone else? I feel like I might have strep or bronchitis, but not really shingles. I am already planning to call the doctor again; they looked at it for a long time and called in other doctors in the office for second and third opinions. They didn't seem really convinced and told me to call if I had any changes or questions. Anybody ever have these symptoms?I am either very lucky to have such a mild case or shingles, or misdiagnosed. My I have two kids under three and don't want to infect them with whatever this is.
Well if the doc isn't sure I doubt you'll get better input here.
Have you had Chickenpox? If No... this isn't shingles.Shingles is a residual of Chickenpox.
Ithink if your kids are vaccinated they will be immune from that because they are immune from Chickenpox. The cough is concerning, I never heard shingles causing cough.. but I think it manifests differently for everyone. It can inflame nasal and throat tissue so that would be the cough. If it afflicts around your eyes... get immediate treatment.Try webMD dot com.Until the cough passes I think you're right to be concerned abour passing (whatever) to your kids.
It's no shame to be single at age 34. Join a book of the month club.
My Uncle-in-law he has had shingles a few times and as far as I know he was in serious pain but everyone is different. I would call your doctor back and go back in for a check up. If you still feel you aren't getting the answer you are looking for go to another doctor, maybe even in another city, also look into seeing a skin doctor. Best of Luck and I hope you feel better.
Sounds like Shingles to me. Yep... Shingles and you are lucky. My cousin had it all over his forehead and around his chin. Not to mention his feet and calves and hands.
Pops up in really weird places.
Don't worry about your kids though, just be careful around them and you'll be right.
I think the bumps on you neck could be from the sore throat and or swollen glands.Shingles does have many forms here is a sight that should explain it a little better for you
My best friend has shingles also. It doesn't bother her very often and rarely hurts. If more than one dr told you this then I would like to think they are right. This is only an issue for your kids if they touch the spot, they will get chicken poxGood Luck
Been there, done that, and got the T-shirt. I also had a very mild case. One tell tale sign is that the bumps are all on one side of the body. If it is shingles and you caught it early it goes away in a short time. Do not put off treatment because it can spread. The down side is the treatment is a bit expensive so I hope you have a drug plan. Left untreated it can (and will) be a long and painful experience. Best of luck to you.
I think it sounds more like strep if you have a sore throat and cough (if you have cold symptoms you may have something else) strep is generally a sore throat, headache, fever, cough
and you can get a rash!
Now, shingles is painful - and a rash and malaise feeling.
I'd get a strep test and just return because you aren't well.In the mean time rest, water, fluids, and sleep with your head elevated and take some motrin.

Did Maryland State AIDS Authority blunder and admit the truth?

"The number of incident (new) AIDS cases diagnosed within each quarterly period increased through 1995, with an artificial rise around 1993 due to changes in the AIDS case definition." quote from the Maryland State AIDS Authority confirms what we have been saying and is always disputed. The 'AIDS' statistic were distorted by the revised definition thus allowing a false impression of the success of HAART medications to be created.This quote is absolute confirmation that we are right.
the drug companies are in it for the $$$$$$$$$$$$

Did I pass this drug test?

Well. I just had to take a swab test today for a job. I smoked a little more than 4 days ago but before that I hadnt picked up the pipe for almost two months. I also sucked the hell out of the swab during the entire test, but I have barely drank any water with the 4 days. Thanks guys.
Marijuana is metabolized by exercising alot to bring it out hrough sweat, based on the consistancy of the usage and how often it is in your body, just by smoking it one it can take up to 30 to get out of your system, but if you pass the drug test, congatulations!
If you smoked cocaine you should be okay ,if it was pot you should worry...
Well im gonna assume when you said picked up a pipe you mean marijuana. If thats the case then you probably did not pass, sorry. If it was crack then you prolly will pass! How unfair is that :(
Well dear it stays in your system for 30 days I dont care what you drink etc it still comes out negative.I have never heard of a swab here in va. its always urine or blood.They pick up all the drinks and pills you try to take to clean your system they are hip to the game out here.Good luck.

Did I have and anxiety or panic attack?

I woke up around 2:30 this morning feeling light headed short of breath and my heart was beating so fast and so hard that thought it might stop!! I got really scared after of couple minutes of this and thought there was something seriously wrong. I sat down and took some really deep breaths and it started to slow down and as it was slowing down my arms and chest felt real warm and sorta tingly. I had no pain though. I tested my sugar and it was good. I think I was having a anxiety or panic attack?? Is it possible to be awaken from your sleep with and anxiety or panic attack??
Maybe you have adrenal fatigue.
A panic attack often begins abruptly, peaks within 10 minutes and lasts about half an hour. But panic attacks have many variations! They may last hours or, on rare occasions, up to a day. You may feel fatigued and worn out after a panic attack subsides.Signs and symptoms may include: * Rapid heart rate
* Sweating
* Trembling
* Shortness of breath and hyperventilation
* Chills
* Hot flashes
* Nausea
* Abdominal cramping
* Chest pain
* Headache
* Dizziness
* Faintness
* Tightness in your throat
* Trouble swallowing
* A sense of impending deathOther health problems 鈥?such as an impending heart attack, an overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism) or drug withdrawal 鈥?can cause similar signs and symptoms.People who experience panic attacks often are affected by other mental health conditions, including depression, fear of public places (agoraphobia) and social phobia.I hope this helps! Personally, I feel that what you experienced was a panic attack. If you already have anxiety problems, then it was definitely a panic attack! Perhaps go to the doctor to be sure, eh?
Maybe it was a panic attack. When you get a panic attack you kind of feel like you are dying. You start to breathe too fast and it is really hard to control your breathing and you feel as though you are experiencing something that is unreal. With the had and arm thing maybe you were hyperventilating-that usually causes the hands and arms to numb and when it is under control your hands and arms slowly start to get back to normal.
You could have an irregular heart rhythm called atrial fibrillation. The deep breaths that you took could have caused a vagal reaction and slowed you down. If you notice it again you should see a cardiologist and wear a monitor for thirty days to find out what is going on. This is a very treatable condition. It also could have been a panic attack or night terror.
I've had the same thing happen to me. One minute i am happily aseep and then have woken up in a body functional crisis! if that's one way to describe this. Symptons being fast heart rate and confusion.
Firstly it is anxiety and is not harmful if only happens occasionally meaning i would really talk to a doctor if happens regulary and during the day.
For me it happened while asleep and why? Because i am a shift worker who studies aswell so my body clock is out of whack alot and when i don't sleep enough (feeling jet-lagged daily) and add stress aswell, then i have felt anxiety. Everything has to have balance, enough exercise, (this helps tremendously with anxiety) good diet, enough sleep and mental rest!
I will mention to you i took a supplement to help tone my adrenals as these glands are constantly overworked when a person is tired and suffering anxiety. I swear by it has helped me feel balanced again... it is called Adreno Tone, you will have to get this from a naturopath.
Good luck with it all.

Did Dr Robert Gallo falsify scientific data so he could pretend he discovered the HIV virus?

Yeah the French discovered it first. He stole it
According to the literature on his 'discovery', it is true.
Gallo discovered wine. He recently died. I like his wine and I liked him.
It was discovered a the same time or almost.

Did anyone watch the show on Discovery Channel last night? Living With Cancer? A TV exec., Elizabeth Edwards

%26 Lance Armstrong talked about their battles with cancer. It was very good however interesting that they didn't mention anything about faith %26 prayer. They are rebroadcasting it again tonight. 1/2 million people/year die of cancer. I had never heard that no. before, sobering!
It was incredibly touching.
Faith and prayer, are not a cure for cancer.
Damn I missed that. Do you know what time it is going to be on tonight...My husband has had Cancer twice and has been lucky enough to beat it both times. The last time was a month ago..
My cousin died of Breast Cancer at the age of 46. Her mother died of brain cancer at the age of 50.My father died in 1999 of Lung Cancer. So far at 70 I have been Cancer free.But I would love to watch that program..
Faith and prayers may keep some people's spirits strong but, they have no effectiveness against cancer. Faith and prayers are unrelated to cancer. It is personal choice whether you choose to have faith or pray.
Very interesting broadcast, but I'm uncertain that anyone except those affected by cancer watched it.Discovery: Living with Cancer also wished they had touched on children and young adults living with cancer. Also the role of caregiver was not addressed. I understand there were limitations about what they could cover in a documentary, but wish that more could have been done.I was impressed with Leroy Sievers story and thought it covered the uncertain roller coaster ride that cancer patients face on a daily basis.Leroy Sievers Blog I would highly recommend the documentary and the following roundtable discussion with Lance Armstrong and Elizabeth Edwards. The questions asked by the audience were focused and subsequent answers thoughtful.

Did anyone have complications with NovaSure procedure?

I had this done March 27 2007 its about 5 weeks ago. I am still waiting for the lightly bloody discharge to quit. My ob/gyn said its OK and if its not cleared up in about 6 to 8 weeks come in. I had it done because of heavy and strange periods and I had stage 3 endometriosis. I do not have any pain or cramping and am still hope-full that the bleeding stops completely. It is a safe and simple procedure that can be done in the Dr. office. So to say complications no not really but maybe if the bleeding doesn't stop. I have heard lots of positive and very little very minor problems.

Did any1 hear on the new about the cream that is giving people cancer?

if you do can i have the names ive been trying to find it out. it was on the news like yesterday or thursday.
Protopic is one of them, just looked it up. It's definitely the Eczema cream treatment that you heard about.
Haven't heard anything about creams. They did say that some eye shadows like kohl, kajal, mid-eastern eye make-up containing dangerous amounts of lead and affected several mothers and their babies.
There is some information out there that shows a relation between Elidel (a cream used for eczema) and childhood leukemia.


Different companies and exactly how much they donated to the AHA FRAUDS.
I didn't know that AHA had stickers. Where can I find one?Tell me honestly Ashley A/Razwell R/ CholesteroFraud C. Are you Anthony Colpo? Are you trying to advertise your book? Or do just think he is GOD with no room for him to be wrong?I know that I have mentioned this before, but it hasn't gotten through. is the place for people with QUESTIONS. I am sure there are websites out there for conspiracy theorist. Go find one.Personally, I am of the opinion that insurance companies are EVIL, but you don't see me asking questions about them every 30 minutes.
I am definitely not Anthony Colpo.I am the one and only R A Z W E L L who will help Anthony get the message out that the enitre anti saturated fat anti cholesterol movement is complete and utter B.S., was INcorrect from the START and is NOT supported at all by the scientific literature.- and is ABSOLUTELY NOT about furthering public health
Anthony Colpo has given his info out for free for years on his old omnivore site.

Dr Ravnskov gives away a large portion of his book free on his own site.
a quick search will reveal who Razwell is. I am notorious on many MA forums. Particularly with "Oldman" A google search will reveal this too.
Anthony Colpo deserves an award for what he has done.
No they don't.And why should we believe either the pseudo-great Colpo or the "notorious" Razwell?Razwell, since you don't apparently know what "notorious" means...
Main Entry:
no·to·ri·ous Listen to the pronunciation of notorious
%26#92;nō-ˈtȯr-ē-əs, nə-%26#92;
Medieval Latin notorius, from Late Latin notorium information, indictment, from Latin noscere to come to know — more at know
1534: generally known and talked of; especially : widely and unfavorably knownGood one. You condemned yourself!
Oh yes they ABSOLUTELY DO.Anthony Colpo has ALL the information down to the specific companies and how exactly much they donated.
Too bad you did not read through it.

Diarreah and constipation at the same time = anal leakage..?

Yeah, I think so.
I'm not sure what your question is. There is such a thing as fecal impaction, which is constipation taken to an extreme. A large, hard stool gets stuck in the rectum, and liquid stool leaks out around it. So it does seem like constipation and diarrhea at the same time. You can read more about it in the source below.

Diagnosed with CHF when I was a 17 year old boy?

I was diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure when I was a 17 year old boy, I am 19 now and I am severly suffering. I went to the doctor right after the onset, and he told me everything. This does not run in my family or anything, I do not have a family history of heart problems. I cannot believe I got this so young and I still have it at 19. The doctor told me to take short walks and I have for a few times, but it is so severe, I can barely walk it is so much pressure in there. How can I be having this so young, only 19? Has anyone ever had CHF this young?
There are a couple of explanations of how this happened. First, were you ever told you have a heart murmur? You actually may have had one and it went undetected. A murmur is really a heart valve disorder. Many murmurs are harmless, but there is one precaution that must be taken. You must take an antibiotic before any dental procedure. If not, you could get a bacterial infection that can cause endocarditis, which is an infection of the endocardium that surrounds the heart. If endocarditis is left untreated, it can turn into CHF.Another possibility is that you may have had rheumatic fever. Many times this is caused by strep throat that is left untreated. These things all may cause CHF.Are any of these possibilities?
a lot of people have a lot of things at different ages...but you were probably born with some defect that made your heart bad...hasn't the Dr given you meds ? are you in a list for a heart transplant ?
Have you been to a cardiologist?
Are you taking medications?
Your quality of life can be improved
i am 18. facing the same problem as you. Hang in there ! At least yur condition is diagnosed. Mine is kept in the dark
It is very UN likely to have this CHF at this age !! May be you must be having some cardiac valvular disease ! or infantile hypertension ! See there must be some pathological reason to have this condition as it is not a in born disease and neither it runs in family !What ever may be the reason but you are diagnosed having this so now what?Take some medicine to give strength to your heart muscle like DIGOXUN ! it is a powerful cardiac glycoside and to be taken with weekly two days holidays ! You should take diuretics to have less burden to heart ! Mean while think for surgical side also as now a day there is voluntary striated muscle graft is given to strengthen the left ventricle function ! Ask for that to your cardiologist !DO YOGA and Meditation ! Visit web site of Ramdev Yoga for detail But do not expect result so soon ! God bless you ! Always YouRsmE

Diagnose me! Help! Points for best answer!?

I feel tired and run down all the time. I can sleep for +14 hours and I have recently. I have a foggy head a lot. I have a lot of thoughts floating around in my head, and sometimes I become very anxious! I will usually clean the house hardcore when I feel like this and everything has to be perfect! I feel restless. I can't concentrate and become bored easily. I can't organize my thoughts either. I'm usually depressed and I feel overwhelmed. I feel empty a lot and search for things to make me happy. I'm also very, very, very irritable and quick tempered. I have headaches and I'm nauseated about once or twice a week. I have chronic back and neck pain too.
Sounds like clinical depression. The symptoms of a major depression are: depressed mood, sleep disturbance (either insomnia or hypersomnia - sleeping all the time), change in appetite, loss of energy, loss of interest in formally pleasurable activities, poor concentration, psychomotor retardation (slow movement), thoughts of worthlessness or guilt, and thoughts of death or suicide. A person has to have 5 of the 9 to meet the clinical criteria for depression.Other possibilities: anemia (can cause fatigue), thyroid disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, fibromyalgia (causing the back and neck pain), among others. Go see a doctor!
We are not psychic go to a doctor that could be any thing it could be a sleep disorder for all i know!
Sounds like me when I was married.
you probably have OCD with the hardcore cleaning. There is therapy for that though. It is diagnosable by a therapist and you can seek treatment.
i think the best thing to do is see your dr.he can fully examine you and have test done and can correctly diagnose the problem,but you sound a little depressed some,but i like said your dr.would be the best to consult with about your problems.sorry i couldn't have been more helpful.take care now.
First part sounds like me. Except when I get restless i feel more like tearing up the house than cleaning it. You dont have a disease, trust me. It's more of...well, um.Ok. You have an overactive wandering mind. Also do u get dizzy a lot? Because my head fogs up and i feel like im dreaming and have to sit down. Then, I finally get really tired and got to sleep for 15-16 hours. I'm also quick tempered. What will probably help you is developing some routines. Eat your meals at the same time, always make sure you have something to do. Set up a bedtime. By the time the day is over you should feel tired. Then set the alarm clock for 8:00. When you train yourself, i dont know how but it stops my mind from wandering.
OCD or an anxiety disorder.
Chemical imbalance. Diabeties. Low iron. Stress. Fatigue.
Rather than be scared and get the wrong diagnosis, see a doctor.
I had same thing. Depression go to dr. explain everything u said. zoloft is good

Diabeties, thyroid..? PLEASE PLEASE HELP??

hi im jenita im 15.and im going for a blood test next week sometime .but im worried and would rather be ready for what i may have wrong with me.. about 9 months ago i fainted...and lately i have been getting really dizzy sometimes falling over as i loose balance and vision for a few seconds ..i even get really really dizzy when im sitting down...a couple of times ive lost feeling in my legs.also for the past 3 years ive had ringing in my ears .and have lots of trouble sleeping..sometimes i hear in my ears repeating of what some one said to me during the day..i also get lots of cravings and drink alot of coke or water or my mouth gets really dry..and ive been needing to pee alot also tired alot .and feel down...i also get lots of rashes or really itchy...umm about 7 times i have woken up paralyzed not being able to moove a muscle or say a word or make a noise.also diabeties is in the family and also how do you get ur thyroid cheked? thnx
You have so many symptoms that it is very hard to know for sure what is going on. The only real way to know is to have the bloodwork done (which will also check your thyroid level). I pray that whatever is going on with your body can be fixed easily and you begin to feel better soon. Best wishes.
Stressing about it will only make it worse. Try not to worry too much. It may be something minor, easily treated. - no-one here can diagnose you honey - you MUST talk to a doctor.Make a detailed list of your symptoms and when they occur BEFORE you go to your doctor. (It's easy to forget one or two that might be important) Be sure to explain them clearly and let the doctor know that diabetes is in the family.Thyroid issues can be identified via a simple blood test - ask your doctor to request it. Stay away from Coke until you know what's wrong.Good luck - feel better soon!
eat fast food everyday and don't forget to exercise in your dream baby, and oh, don't forget the sweets :)
I have hypothyroidism. It is an under-active thryroid meaning that your organs have to work overtime to function. It causes weight gain, depression, anemia, brittle nails, water retention, dry hair and even constipation. If you have it, the doctors will give you a synthetic thyroid hormone replacement pill to take daily in a.m.. The tests are called TSH and T-4. But have a complete blood work done, so they can check glucose and anemia or white blood cell count. It could be something more serious also but probably not. You DO need to get these symptoms checked out.
Go to Yahoo Health, click Diabetes, from there type Diabetic symptoms. You are having both the symptoms of low blood sugar and high blood sugar. Remember that breads %26 starches turn into sugar FAST. Watch your portions( what size meal you have). All foods turn into sugar, but some foods raise alot, then some like fruits %26 veggies raise them normally. Get to the doctor QUICKLY. If your symptoms get worse before your appt. go to the Emergency Room. The ringing in your ears- either you are allergic to medication or a food/ or you're having your blood pressure rise due to high blood sugar. Get your thyroid checked too. THAT can make you pass out. Your sugar leval plays a part in your thyroid complications. Get a Diabetic Dietician in order to find out what foods to avoid. I know its hard. I like certain foods like pizza. Get a list on resturuant foods that you can eat in moderation. Hope this helps. P.S. Get some Glucose Tablets from Walgrens, Walmart or any pharmacy that carries them. The tablets help when your sugar drops and you feel faint. Keep that Appt. W/ the doctor.
For right now until you see your doctor stay off drinks except water unless they are diet drinks ( I know, you may not like them but diet Dr. Pepper and Diet Mt. Dew taste better than the rest) stay off sweets unless they are sugar free. Listen to your doctor carefully, he will check your thyroid and sugar level and will give you the proper medication, it's very important that you follow his advice. He will give you a diet plan and once you get started the change won't be hard on you at all. It won't take long for it to just come naturally. Diabetes is serious and it is important that you control it if you find out that this is what you have.
Both thyroid and diabetic testing is a blood test. See the docror and asked for a TSH, free t4, free t3, fasting insulin, fasting glucose, and an A1C. You should find out if you have a problem with these tests.
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