
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Do I have a wart on my hand?

How do you know if you have a wart? And what are the best ways to treat them?
I have this thing that I think is a wart... it started like a callous and slowly got bigger.. it never really hurt until today. It kinda popped and some puss let out... what is it?? and how do i get rid of it?!
Warts don't pop or have pus in them. Warts are more solid and can have a cauliflower look to them. Put some antibiotic ointment and a bandaid on it for a few days and see if that helps. Sounds like some sort of an abcess, which is just a pus filled sac really - a combinations of dead white blood cells and bacteria. You may need to get it lanced if it gets worse, but just try the ointment for a few days. That could help. See a doctor if it doesn't.
Please contact your dr about it in case you do have an abscess or infection. Perhaps you can apply a tissue to the area as it is sort of draining and then at least put antibiotic/neosporin ointment and a bandage on top until the dr can look at it. For warts (and sometimes moles), sometimes cryotherapy (cryo for freezing the area) helps. The dr would be able to discuss other options. When in doubt as to the puss, go to the ER. Feel better soon!

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