About 4 days ago I noticed a bump on the back of my neck. Now theres two. I had chicken pox when I was younger but I only had maybe 5 on my skin. The bump doesnt itch though but Im concerned because there was this guy at work who had them about a month ago. and Im pregnant. What do you think?
You should go to your Dr. They can test you to see if you have the antibodies. Don't rely on us for such an important answer.
no if you have any amount of chicken pox you can have them again
I wouldn't know,but if your worried about it you should see a doctor about it
The bumps could be spider bites, flea bites, or you may have a recurring case. I would talk to your doctor, especially if they itch, or more appear. Benydryl helps with the itching
you really should go see a doctor because if its chiken pox or something bad, it can really effect yor baby!! im 12 years old and when my mother was pregnant when she was 40 with my baby sister, i had to get teh chiken pox shot and so did my mother becuz it would really effect the baby plz go see the doctor right now, something may happen to you baby!!
good luck!!
p.s see a doctor NOW
If the bumps started 4 days ago and don't itch it probably is not a case of severe chicken pox( or Varicella) . It may be insect bites or acne. There is something known as "Atypical chicken-pox" which occurs after a person has had varicella or has been vaccinated against varicella- and presents as only a few lesions. In any event since you probably have some immunity to chicken-pox, I wouldn't worry about being pregnant- the baby probably is protected and would only get chicken pox if you delivered within the next few days. To be on the safe side- I would visit your GP/ internist next week to see what they could be (no need to worry and rush to the ER- as per one of the answers
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